GU-50 SPICE Model
It’s been a while indeed. Mostly busy with my day job and family. However, spare time is dedicated to synthesisers – I’m designing and building modules for Eurorack – and playing and listening to...
View ArticleShort of sand
Firstly, my apologies. It’s been long overdue to get back on this blog. I receive several emails from people asking me to share more. I hope I will, when I get the time and energy to get back on hi-fi...
View ArticleI’m back
It’s been a long while, yes, I know. Life goes in particular ways, you can help that. Having said that, I’m now back after a long absence. Life has changed for me and have some more free time for a...
View ArticleCap Multiplier PCB: build guide and BOM
Finally after many years, I managed to document this great PCB. If you already have this PCB and want the build guide and BOM please let me know. Here is an extract of the build guide for the ones who...
View ArticleCCS in power supplies
The use of CCS in HT power supplies is well known, however generally misunderstood why it can be a good addition to some circuits. There is an excellent article from Gary Pimm which has been lost and...
View ArticleLR8 reg: a handy utility block
I’ve used the LR8 reg a few times here and there, always with satisfactory results. Yet, I’ve never spent time looking into it with more detail, always helped me to fix a voltage reference needed....
View ArticleHybrid mu-follower boards in SMD
I’ve been using these boards for many years now. Haven’t offered them as is required for anyone to be experienced well enough in SMD soldering to get these done effectively. I have a reflow oven so...
View ArticleHybrid mu-follower PCB (Ver 0.8) video
Over the past 5-years I have received several queries about the current limiter resistor and LED additions to the hybrid mu-follower PCB. Although these are explained, clearly not well enough from my...
View ArticleCX-112a preamp Video
The positive feedback encouraged me to record this second video. Unrehearsed rambling on the CX-112a preamplifier. Hope this is useful to many of you and would love to hear your feedback.
View ArticleSLCF to the rescue?
Over 7 years ago I made a run of a great circuit with a bit of a twist. The “Super-linear Cathode Follower” or SLCF is a great way of optimising the cathode follower stage and make it more linear by...
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