It was a half-hour job to mod my Mule preamp by swapping out the UX-120 and introducing the 01a (CX-301a in fact), add the resistor divider to deliver low gain on this preamp:

I set the valves at 115V/4mA. The Source Followers are running at 15mA and the resistor divider is actually 100KΩ/33KΩ (Kiwame) which is what I had at hand. It worked like a charm.
The 01a is driving my Slagle AVC into the 300B amplifier. I can say I can hear now the subtlety of the thoriated-tungsten filaments of the 01a with the extra level of gain I was hoping for. The amp sounds very dynamic at high level and with the clarity of the 01a.

This is indeed a clear winner. I will leave this preamp on my system for a while to confirm further impressions. For now, I just simply love it.